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The reason behind starting the electricyug.com to educated people about electric car, electric bike & Solar Energy.  As you know the resources are getting decrease day by day and this effect our environment and led to global warming, so this small initiative from us to spread awareness about the Electric Resources & Solar Energy.

Apart from this our website will share information about EV (Electric Vehicles) and also review and comparison on it.

Electricyug provides you with all the information on you need to make well informed buying decision and our research is not limited to Indian market only but it’s extend further International also.

Beside all this we also have latest news section where you can find news about EV & Solar product. Sound like we’ve given you everything you need right.

With the goal of education and transformation, we need all the support we can get

So any types of enquiries or quires you can reach us to contact.electricyug@gmail.com or subscribe to our website with latest update